Once upon a time, sex dolls were merely inflatable toys with limited sex appeal but they satisfied a hungry need. Now, we live in an age where sex dolls are being created to be more human-like than ever before. The improvements we’ve seen in the industry are huge and leave little to the imagination when it comes to sex with your new friend. However, does the reality of these new tech focused sex dolls match up to the physical acts of real women? Today, we’re seeing if sex doll blowjobs compare to the real thing…
Sex dolls have come a long way since their early days. With inner steel frames you can bend your doll into all sorts of positions but what is more impressive, is the integration of AI. Sex dolls are now able to respond during sex with pre-programmed phrases to suit your preferences. The level of control you have over your sexual partner is at an all time high but does all this equal impressive bedroom skills?
If you’re looking for a blowjob, the advantage of having a sex doll is that they will never get tired. The consistency of their blowjob will be unmatched, not only because of the textured mouth (as well as vagina and ass) but also there will be no need for stopping halfway through. Whereas the alternative could be clunky, awkward and require multiple breaks. Use your sex doll when and how you like by being in control of the situation at all times. The great thing about a sex doll is that they will never say no - the very convenience of having one available for when your sexual needs pop up unexpectedly is amazing.
Whilst the impulsive nature of having a sex doll has its benefits, there are clear differences between the sex doll blowjob and the real woman blowjob. Most notably, the bodily functions. A real woman has the ability to use her tongue in ways a sex doll can’t. However, a lot of work is being done to ensure that the automation of sex dolls is as close as it can be to that of a real woman. We now also have the option to add a tongue to our sex dolls.
The tongue is not the only thing you might be aware of. Real women’s mouths will be warm when they give a blowjob; this can heighten the male experience compared to an automated sex doll. Another thing that can heighten the experience is saliva but what’s the difference when lube is a common find both in sex doll bedrooms and human couple bedrooms. Grab your bottle and go to town with your own sex doll.
One thing that is commonly forgotten when we do the sex doll vs. woman comparison is the safety aspect. Your sex doll is as clean as you want her to be, there’s no worry like the worry that comes when engaging with a human stranger. With a sex doll, you are in control of the situation both from your own health’s point of view and with your sexual desires.
Ultimately, there are key differences between a sex doll blowjob and a human blowjob and it comes down to personal preference if we are to reach an answer. A traditional blowjob as we know it holds advantages when it comes to technique but the sex doll blowjob might just pip it to the post given the full control, convenience and comfort that comes with having a bj whenever you want.
So, what are you waiting for? Is your sex doll ready for you?
Which blowjob do you think is better, a sex doll blowjob or a traditional blowjob?
Have you ever had a sex doll? Do you have a sex doll story you want to share?
Send it to us at: [email protected] Get you story published and a discount code for your next doll.